Kazchrome is in material compliance with all environmental regulations; all modernization and expansion projects undertaken by the Company have successfully passed the compulsory State Environmental Reviews (“SER”). No nature reserves, environmentally sensitive areas or cultural heritage sites are located in the vicinity of Kazchrome’s operations.
The Company has a track record of compliance with international standards (ISO 14001 certificate) and continuously monitors the environmental impact of its operations. Kazchrome is committed to the implementation of environmentally friendly initiatives, including:
- Air quality management (emissions cleaning, smelter filters, dust suppression and tree planting);
- Monitoring and control of water quality (waste water monitoring, waste water treatment and environmentally-friendly mine dewatering);
- Waste management (ferrochrome slag and dust recycling and waste reduction policies); and
- Continuous environmental policy training for employees.
The water supply scheme at DGOK was resulting in accumulation of sludge from ore processing in dumps, which triggered environmental penalties and a negative impact on the environment. To address this, the Kazchrome production team developed a project to construct a semi-enclosed internal water supply system which would enable the Company to process and then use the sludge for chrome ore pellets production. The project won the Innovators’ Forum contest, and we expect to implement it in the next few years, delivering far more in benefits than it will cost to implement.
The Aksu Plant boasts a new and highly innovative Smelting Shop #6, one of the largest investment projects for the Company. The new smelting technology will increase production without a corresponding increase in power consumption, helping to minimise the overall environmental impact, while a sealed furnace will make the process safer.
Provisions on environmental protection and sustainable development are set out in the policy of the management of TNK Kazchrome JSC