High carbon ferrochrome (HC FeCr)
The end product of the use of high carbon ferrochrome is stainless steel, which is used in construction, transportation, mechanical engineering and production of industrial pipelines, as well as consumer goods.

Refined alloys (MC/LC FeCr)
Medium and low carbon ferrochrome is used in the production of stainless and alloyed steel requiring limited carbon content. It is also used in the production of special alloy steel for ball bearings, tools and devices requiring high durability materials.

Ferrosilicochrome (FeSiCr)
Ferrosilicochrome is an intermediate product required for the production of medium and low carbon ferrochrome. It is used as a metal for the production of individual types of chromium steels.

Ferrosilicomarganese (FeSiMn)
FeSiMn is used in the production of steel alloys (Hadfield steel) to improve their characteristics and structure. Areas of use include mining, construction and railroad industries.

Ferrosilicon (FeSi)
Ferrosilicon improves durability, elasticity, electrical conductivity and resistance to wearing, corrosion, acid and heat. Ferrosilicon is used in transformer and carbon steel, which are used in car manufacturing.

Chromium ore (Cr Ore)
The metal extracted from chrome ore is used in сhrome plating and alloying for production of corrosion resistant superalloys, ferrochrome, and stainless steel. Chrome is also used as a refractory material, because of its high heat stability.