A new collective agreement has been signed at TNC Kazchrome JSC, where today more than 19 thousand people work.

A collective agreement was signed between the management of TNC Kazchrome JSC, part of the ERG (Eurasian Group), and the chairman of the united trade union. The updated document not only retained all previous social and labor guarantees and benefits for employees, but was also supplemented with new relevant clauses providing additional privileges to the company's employees.
The collective agreement of TNC Kazchrome JSC, which was in force until the current signing, was developed in 2016 and was one of the best in Kazakhstan. In 2018, Kazchrome’s agreement was recognized as the best and received the highest award based on the results of the republican competition “Paryz”.
The collective agreement, in addition to the rights and benefits guaranteed by law, provides for free medical care, compensation payments for the period of study, interest-free loans for medical treatment, the allocation of funds for discounted vouchers to sanatoriums and recreation centers, children's health camps and much more.
- This is an important event for all branches of the company, because the collective agreement allows the company's employees to feel confident in the future, - General Director of TNC Kazchrome JSC Sergey Prokopyev believes. - Despite the difficult situation associated with the geopolitical situation in the world, support and social protection measures for our employees are not only not reduced, but also increased. We clearly understand that the success of the company depends on the correct incentives for staff. I would like to thank the commission, which has done a tremendous job.
The new version of the document takes into account all the requirements of the updated Labor Code and changes in legislation. One of the innovations is that all payments are now stated not in monetary terms, but in monthly calculation indices (MCI), which will make it possible to increase their size annually. By decision of the company's management, compensation payments to employees performing rotation-based work were revised upward, and the procedure for determining continuous length of service was specified. One-time financial assistance in the amount of 20 MCI on the occasion of the birth of a child is also provided. In addition, Kazchrome now officially celebrates three professional holidays - Metallurgist's Day, Miner's Day and Power Engineer's Day.
- The collective agreement is the most important tool for social protection of workers. I am very glad that today it has been supplemented with new payments and benefits that were not available before. The result is a good document that will serve the benefit of employees, - Chairman of the Joint Trade Union Committee of TNC Kazchrome JSC Abilkaiyr Sotkarov said.